About Us
My Story
Hello, my name is Aracelly (Esther) Murcia Lopez, I am fairly new to the area but not to the massage field. The concept began in 1992 when I saw there was a huge need for therapeutic services. Thanks to the knowledge acquired from my mother who is a holistic practitioner, and the great selection of plants and herbs that are found in my home country, I was able to study and work with the medicinal uses of herbs for over 25 years. In 1992 I became a massage therapist in Costa Rica.
Over time, I was able to see alignment changes in my clients and helped them gain stability and greater movement into their bodies. The objectives varied from person to person, but the goal was the same; to get people moving and feeling better! I chose massage therapy as a career because it is one of the most natural healing methods in the world. I have developed a fascination of body movement and pain relief. I am continually challenged and inspired by the people I see. Each person shows me something new!
Studying the effects that herbs and oils have in our body and combining them with my knowledge in massage therapy, meditation and yoga has been my passion for over two decades. My approach is progressive and rehabilitative. Flexibility is the foundation of strength and a pillar of overall power.
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It is my intention to use the knowledge I have acquired all these years to support each person’s care plan and to provide quality care.
- Aracelly (Esther) Murcia Lopez, Owner


Why Healing Key Spa?
Based on the Gate Control Theory of pain, we use non-painful input to close the nerve “Gates” to painful input. A closed “Gate” describes when input to transmission cells are blocked reducing the sensation of pain. Unlike an actual gate, which opens and closes to allow things to pass through, the “Gate” in the spinal cord operates by differentiating between the types of fibers carrying pain signals. Pain signals traveling via small nerve fibers are allowed to pass through, while signals sent by large nerve fibers are blocked. Gate control theory is often used to explain the phantom or chronic pain.

Frequently Asked Questions
You may choose to wear some clothing, undergarments or nothing at all. As the Healing Key Spa professional therapist performs the massage, the only area that will be exposed is the area of the body being treated at the moment. Once massage in that area has been completed, the therapist will re-drape the area with the sheet and blanket. Ultimately, what you wear is based on your level of comfort with the therapist, or what your specific therapist recommends based on the type of massage that you select. For example, if you would like to receive specific stretches, your therapist might ask you to keep your underwear on in order to ensure that your modesty is protected at all times.
Great question! There are several things that you can do to ensure that your massage is a great one: A relaxing shower and freshly brushed teeth will be the best way to prepare for your session. The hot water will start loosening your muscles, kicking in the relaxation process. You and your therapist will be most comfortable with the absence of perfumes, oils, smoke, or other smells or substances, or naturally occurring odors that can accumulate during a typical day, and he or she will extend the same standard of cleanliness to you. Start drinking water now. Massage increases circulation through the body’s “sewer system” and it flushes things out most easily when well hydrated. Once you have received your massage, keep drinking that water to maximize your body’s efficiency and relaxation. You may feel very drowsy, like you could go to sleep. Or you may feel energized, like you can rule the world! Either is possible and normal. It is also possible to experience a bit of soreness in focus areas. But at no time should you feel overly sore.
You should expect to feel relief and relaxation at Healing Key Spa. In areas where you normally experience discomfort or tenderness, there may be a sensation that it “hurts so good” or that it’s slightly uncomfortable, but still tolerable, and feels like it needs to be done. Or, you might experience pure relaxation. At no point should you feel like you want to jump off the table (except during deep tissue sessions). If at any point you feel like your therapist is giving too much pressure or stretch, or not enough, please be sure to communicate this to him or her, and they will respond by adjusting the pressure accordingly.
Tips are never expected, but always appreciated when our therapist at HealingKey Spa has delivered exceptional service. Feel free to include a tip with your credit card purchase, or you may provide cash tips directly to your therapist.
Your massage session at Healing Key Spa includes an experienced and professionally insured Licensed Massage Therapist. This therapist will provide the massage table, chair, or mat to be used in the session, sheets, music, and his or her oil or lotion of choice (unless otherwise agreed upon between client and therapist), and your choice of aromatherapy. All you have to do is relax! A variety of massage techniques which may include compression, kneading, rocking, jostling, vibration, suction tools, and assisted stretching (when indicated) will be included with your massage.
This will depend on you and the health of your pregnancy or your history with pregnancy, but in most cases the answer is YES! In fact, massage can be extremely effective in helping you to feel fabulous during all three trimesters of pregnancy. If you are classified as “high risk” or have a history of miscarriage, then you’ll want to check with your doctor before your first session.
Treatment of any specific disease or condition. Healing Key Spa massage therapists are not doctors. We do not use hot stones (for both liability reasons and convenience). Sexually oriented services, discussions, suggestions, harassment or favors of any kind will not be permitted or tolerated.