Is a condition characterized by pain and sitffness in the shoulder joint. The pain can shoot from the shoulder and down the arm, which causes a limit in the range of motion. Most frozen shoulder cases occur when a patient is recovering from a recent shoulder injury.
Mobility may impair over time as movement becomes difficult and painful. Over time, the joint’s capsule thickens with scar tissue, limiting movement and causing shoulder pain. Medical conditions like: Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Stroke and Parkinson’s disease appear to increase your risk of developing frozen shoulder.
At Healing Key Spa, we specialize in treating injuries at the source, for fast effective relief. At the beginning of each treatment, we will conduct tests to diagnose the root cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan to fix the problem. We also provide each patient a custom at home exercise plan to help speed recovery, and strengthen the shoulder joint. This approach to care allows us to focus on outcomes and help our clients return to their pain-free lives as quickly as possible.
Contact us to schedule a free consultation!